by PelvicNewsChannel | Jan 4, 2022 | Exercise, postpartum
‘When can I start exercising again?’ ‘When is it safe to start running?’ I think we are all asked these questions frequently by postpartum women. At the end of this blog you will know the answer and find links to 3 great infographics kindly...
by PelvicNewsChannel | Nov 26, 2020 | Biomechanics, Pelvic girdle
In this blog I will discuss research on the Stork (Gillet) test in pregnant women with pelvic girdle pain. After reading this blog you will know ‘why’ the Stork test is not an appropriate test to evaluate trunk, pelvic and hip movement in pregnant women. You will also...
by PelvicNewsChannel | Nov 8, 2020 | Peri-partum, Peri-partum, Peri-partum, Peri-partum, Treatment
I have a confession to make. I was not convinced of the benefit of perineal massage…..until.…I read the systematic review and meta-analysis that I will discuss in today’s blog. I am convinced, convinced that we should inform, promote, and instruct pregnant women to...
by PelvicNewsChannel | Jul 13, 2020 | Uncategorized
Can I start exercising again? This is a question early post-partum women regularly ask. A very good question. But what is the right answer? What will be the effect on the pelvic floor muscles or will it provoke pelvic organ prolapse? The research I will discuss today...
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